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I got this script from a fellow student who discovered it while troubleshooting a password issue for his home business. I can see this script being useful in a forensics settting. This script will show you what WiFi networks a computer has connected to, as well as the password that was used.
If your business has security policies that prevent employees from connecting to outside networks, you could run this script to see if the employee had broken this agreement.
import subprocess
import re
command_output = subprocess.run(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profiles"], capture_output = True).stdout.decode()
profile_names = (re.findall("All User Profile : (.*)\r", command_output))
wifi_list = []
if len(profile_names) != 0:
for name in profile_names:
wifi_profile = {}
profile_info = subprocess.run(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profile", name], capture_output = True).stdout.decode()
if re.search("Security key : Absent", profile_info):
wifi_profile["ssid"] = name
profile_info_pass = subprocess.run(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profile", name, "key=clear"], capture_output = True).stdout.decode()
password = re.search("Key Content : (.*)\r", profile_info_pass)
if password == None:
wifi_profile["password"] = None
wifi_profile["password"] = password[1]
for x in range(len(wifi_list)):