Welcome to my blog!
This format is different from Python 2 which doesn’t use parentheses.
ndays= 365
print('There are', ndays, 'in a year')
# Multi-line Statements
# Escape Characters
# \n newline
# \t tab position 8 char
# \' single quote mark
# \" double quote mark
# \\ backslash character
# Example - Prints each on newline
# Suppressing Newline
print('one', end=' ')
# Item Separator = None
print('one', sep='')
# Item Separator = Replace
print('one','two', sep='*')
int('365') # convert string to integer
str(365) # covert integer to string
num = int(input('Enter a number: ')) # whole number / no decimal
num = float(input('Enter a number: ')) # real number / with decimal
# Store data within variables
sales = int(15)
commission = float(50.0)
# Multiply and assign variable
Tcommission = sales * commission
Floating Point
# , indicates formatted with a comma
# .2 precision (round up two decimal places)
# f specifies that the data type is floating-pt
print(format(12345.6789, ',.2f'))
# returns: 12,345.68
print('The gross pay is $', format(1354543.24387, ',.2f'), sep='')
# returns 'The gross pay is $1,354,543.24'
Floating Point - Percentage
# number is multiplied by 100 & displayed with %
print(format(0.5, '%'))
# returns: 50.000000%
print(format(0.5, '.0%'))
# returns: 50%
# use d as the type designator
# cannot specify precision
print(format(123456, ',d'))
# returns 123456
>= # greater than or equal to
<= # less than or equal to
== # equal to
!= # not equal to
Checking numeric inside range with ‘and’.
years = int(input('How many years? '))
if years >= 10 and years <= 19:
print('this is between 10 and 19)
print('this is not between 10 and 19')
Checking numeric outside range outside with ‘or’.
years = int(input('How many years? '))
if years < 10 or years > 19:
print('this is outside of 10 and 19)
print('this is not outside of 10 and 19')
Output “It is a Porsche” when the variable car contains the string “BoxsterS”.
car = input('What type of car is it: ')
if car.lower() == 'boxsters': # entered using any case
print('It is a Porsche')
print('It is not a Porsche')"
Output “Sufficient Quantity” when Instock variable is >=10 otherwise display “Time to Reorder”.
instock = float(input('How much is in stock?: '))
if instock >= 10:
print('Sufficient Quality')
print('Time to Reorder')
Assign the number 500 to the bonus variable when sales variable’s value is greater than or equal to 5000; otherwise, assign the number 100.
sales = float(input('What did you make in sales: '))
if sales >= 5000:
bonus = 500
bonus = 100
print('Your bonus is:', bonus)
Write a nested control structure that displays the following based on the values in the variables member and age.
member = input('Are you a member? (Y/N): ')
if member.lower() == 'y':
age = int(input('How old are you? ')) # Determine if user is old enough.
if age >= 18:
print('You are old enough.')
print('You need an adult.')
print('You need a membership.')
Assign the appropriate value to the shipping variable; otherwise, assign 65 to the shipping variable.
state = input('What state are you shipping to? ')
if state.lower() == 'hawaii':
shipping = 100
elif state.lower() == 'oregon':
shipping = 75
elif state.lower() == 'washington':
shipping = 70
shipping = 65
print('The shipping is:', shipping)
Assign the number .15 to the discount variable when the state variable contains the string “WA” and the sales variable contains a number that is less than 2000; otherwise, assign the number .25.
state = input('Enter your state abbreviation: ')
sales = float(input('Enter your sales amount: '))
if state.lower() == 'wa' and sales <= 2000:
discount = .15
discount = .25
print('Your discount is',discount)